Citizen Art Days
Künstlergruppe »Parallele Welten, Berlin
Mo., 12.05.2014, 19:00
Eintritt: frei!
The Berlin-based artist group »Parallele Welten« consisting of Stefan Krüskemper, María Linares (born 1970 in Bogotá, lives in Berlin) and Kerstin Polzin (born 1971 in Dresden, lives in Berlin), works on developing and designing unique project formats with external partners. The objective is the joint development and participatory formation of ideal (art-) spaces, providing all participants with expanded opportunities to experiment and design. By its nature, Citizen Art Days is a project where new forms of participation with society are being tested. The focus is on the creative potential of citizens, public participants and artists to inform the general public on, for example, cooperative, economic and sustainability issues. In 2013, Citizen Art Days took place Markthalle Neun in Berlin-Kreuzberg with theme of post-growth economy. Eine Zusammenarbeit des Programms Master of Fine Arts, Fakultät Gestaltung, Prof. Danica Dakic, der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar mit der ACC Galerie Weimar. Vortrag in englischer Sprache.