m95: Is there a need for global museums today?
Ruth Noack, Kassel Eine Vortrags- und Gesprächsreihe zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und zu neuen künstlerischen Strategien.
Mo., 30.11.2009, 19:00
Eintritt: frei!
The art historian, author and curator of the documenta 12 will explore the question of whether there is a need for global museums today?
Ruth Noack, art historian, author and curator, studied art history, audiovisual media and feminist theory in the US, England, Germany and Austria and has been regularly giving talks and publishing in the German speaking environment since 1990. She has been working as an exhibition maker since 1992. Since 2000, she has been teaching Film Theory at the University of Vienna, the University for Applied Arts, Vienna and the University of Lüneburg. Since 2001, her research project for the "Construction of Childhood" has been in process. She was president of the AICA (International Association for art critics) Austria from 2002 to 2003 and curator of the documenta 12 in 2005.