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Shooting the Messenger
Davy McGuire, London
Fr., 21.05.2010, 20:00
Eintritt: Eintritt: 3 € | erm. 2 € | Tafelpass 1 €
Davy McGuire recounts the trials and tribulations of a month long hitchhiking adventure that unfolded when he followed these rules:
1. Hold out a sign for “anywhere” and wait for a driver to give you a lift.
2. Ask the driver for a message that you can deliver for them.
3. Deliver the message to its recipient. You can only walk or hitchhike along the way.
4. Ask the recipient for another message and continue with instructions from rule 3.
These instructions led him on a journey from one end of the UK to another, forcing him to deliver messages to all sorts of weird, wonderful and wacky people along the way. Davy performs some of the quirky characters he met and the bizarre and scary situations he found himself in. We hear of how he navigated the endless motor-ways of Britain, how he was nearly kidnapped, how he slept in a barn in Scotland and how he insulted a professional rugby player on their doorstep and managed to remain relatively unscathed.