Strategies of Invisibility - Interventions in public space without media presence
Sabine Maria Schmidt, Düsseldorf
Mo., 21.01.2013, 19:00
Eintritt: frei!
Can art be effective, even if it doesn’t reveal to be art? A fish in the water leaves no tracks. Sugar and salt dissolve and create a new consistency. In the city, art can function like a homeopathic dose, whose potency is higher the more it is diluted. Invisibility is a kind of power. But it must make itself visible in order to ensure its existence. That its secret nonetheless remains encrypted is part of its paradoxical existence. Participation is at the heart of contemporary art movement which has enjoyed great success internationally over the last fifty years. Participatory art projects are particularly close to social and political themes and focus primarily on building a relationship with the viewers of art who become co-authors rather passive onlookers. On the other side the viewers actually sustain a participartory overflow. The lecture discusses different strategies of interacting in the city without media presence and presents projects which involve the audience without announcements. Sabine Maria Schmidt is art historian, curator and author. Eine Vortrags- und Gesprächsreihe zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und zu neuen künstlerischen Strategien. Eine Zusammenarbeit des Programms Master of Fine Arts der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Gestaltung, Prof. Danica Dakic, mit der ACC Galerie Weimar.