To Find the Properties of Properties / Deconstructing Too Many Dinner Parties | Katharina Wendler (Berlin/Weimar), Roman Liška (Berlin/Weimar)
Mo., 20.01.2020, 19:00–21:00 Uhr
Eintritt: frei!
In a dialogic lecture between two different practices, Katharina Wendler and Roman Liška will discuss shared discourses of their work. Both are currently working at the Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Wendler is Artistic Associate and Curator of the University Gallery and Director of the project space NOVA and Liška is Artistic Associate of experimental drawing and painting.
Katharina Wendler (b. 1988 in Hamburg, Germany) studied Cultural Sciences and Psychology (BA) at Leuphana University Lüneburg, as well as Art History (MA) at Humboldt University Berlin and at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik. She worked for contemporary art galleries, museums and artists’ studios and was Director of the exhibition space SAFN Berlin (2013-2017). In early 2018 she initiated the dialogue-based exhibition series __in conversation with__ and joined the curatorial collective FLURR in 2019. As a freelance curator and writer, she has realized numerous exhibitions and publications with emerging as well as established artists and institutions.
Roman Liška (b. 1980 in Hamburg, Germany) received a BA in Art Practice at Goldsmiths College University of London in 2011, and graduated from the Royal College of Art in London in 2013 with an MA in Painting. As part of his studies he has participated in student exchange programs at HFBK Hamburg, Germany, and Hunter College CUNY, NY, USA.
Eine Zusammenarbeit des MFA-Studiengangs «Public Art and New Artistic Strategies» der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung mit der ACC Galerie Weimar. Vortrag in englischer Sprache.